Sunday, September 14, 2008

Being the `Mother'

Oh no....its not possible....
We all love our mothers. We respect them, we keep telling ourselves how we know that our mothers do such tremendous jobs at home. Looking after us and our health and sacrificing her sleep to prepare all those special treats we want in our sehri. And its not just me, with three siblings they all have there own demands. Its just amazing how mothers just handle it all, single handedly most of the times.
We see it, we know it, but we hardly realize it.
Although, we would, if we were to do a reversal of roles. You really have to be a mother to know what it takes to do everything she does the way she does it.
I just cant imagine being her, atleast not with the routine I have right now.
But, well hypothetically speaking, I guess I'd hire someone, like a maid or something.
I will give in the orders the night before, have everything prepared well before time so that she can have time to herself and the family can sit down and just chit chat for a while before time's up.
I actually wouldnt even mind some sehri eat outs either. Interesting! sounds fun.
But wait a minute, what a horrible mother would that make me? I wouldn't want my mother to do that I guess. Being a father may be can still give me that liberty though.
I reckon that will really kill the whole essence of ramazan then. So, I suppose I'd just make the effort and wake up an hour earlier, get busy in the kitchen, and I honestly wouldn't even mind a helping hand from one of my children. Make all the `parathay' and `kabab', and probably some lassi to go with it.
Tune into one of the sehri special transmissions on tv, gathered around the dining table.

Wow! That was simple and sweet.
It really wouldn't hurt to get up with my mother and help her around the kitchen a bit, its us she's doing it all for afterall.

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