Monday, November 24, 2008

EWS Course at Szabist

After the first 3 classes got cancelled, I never thought this course would turn out to be one of my favorites in the first semester at Szabist. Not only because what we were learning was appealing, it was the teacher who made it much more fascinating.

Ma’am Bina is one of those rare teachers who make sure that each and every student understands what is been taught and everyone is on the same page. She gave us full space and freedom to present our point of views and perspectives which really helped us in building our confidence.

I was never into writing neither I’d planned to write anything in the future until now. After a month, I realized how much fun it is to write. I still remember when in our early classes Ma’am Bina use to give us these blog entries as homework, the whole class use to mourn in pain including me. But after my couple of entries on the blog, I started feeling comfortable.

The Short Story was the time when I fell in love with this course. We were asked to write a short story on any topic of our fondness. I was tensed in the outset but when I presented my idea to Ma’am Bina, she appreciated my idea and gave me tips and instructions on how to enhance the reader’s interest in my story. We learned on how to put that essence of interest in our drafts thru this assignment. I didn’t know that I could write like this. I could sense the improvement in my writing skills by this time.

We went over some stories like Urdu My Love Song, Poison and Shooting an Elephant. It was thrilling to re-write “Poison” from a kraits perspective in one of our hourly. Then we were asked to write what could’ve happen if we, as George Orwell, didn’t shoot the elephant.

Be it punctuations, grammar, tenses or writing skills. We learned English from the very scratch in this course. We enjoyed this course thru out the semester and learned the art of writing efficiently.

The last class was mesmerizing. We watched a movie named “Finding Forrester.”
Everybody thought it’ll be an unexciting movie as it was about a basketball player in the outset, but once the story started to build up, our interest was developed and we enjoyed every bit of it till the last scene. Few girls ended up crying for Mr.Williams.

I want to thank Ma’am Bina for teaching me, for avoiding my mistakes and giving me the opportunity to learn something I didn't knew I could ever do. Every time I’ll write something, it'll remind me of you. I will definitely miss your Pointer Pod casts.

Faizan Sheikh